Despite of a number of frames using the icon format, part of the stored data in the animated cursor file handle the order of the step, length, title, and the author of the animation. Its final animation is designed with some icon frames are utilized for showing a single image after another to generate animation. This type of file is usually integrated in a customized theme for desktop, and is helpful to personalize the CPU system.

The format is based on the Microsoft RIFF file format, which is utilized as storage for keeping the individual frames, which are typical Windows icons of the animation. These files have the same functions with CUR file format or better known as the Static Cursor its distinction is that being an animated cursor with the use of strings of images to show animation. Also known as Windows system files, the content of a SYS file normally consists of core Windows and DOS components like driver resources and references to. ANI extension, a graphic file format used for animated mouse cursors, which are also defined as Windows Animated Cursor.

Microsoft Windows Operating System platforms mostly used files with.